Through her love of dance, Anke discovered a special interest in movement and its beneficial effect on both body and mind. Gradually, she felt the need to find stillness and connect with her body in a softer but still powerful way, so she immersed herself in the world of yoga. Several yoga trainings, totaling over 650 hours, led her to open her own boutique yoga studio in Wemmel, known as the Yoga Penthouse. When she discovered ANIMO's REFORMER classes, she was immediately hooked and auditioned for the academy.

Besides being a yoga teacher, she worked in the commercial sector as a marketing manager for a while. However, this was only for a short time as she kept hearing a strong call to the human body. Therefore, three years ago, she decided to start studying again and is now an osteopath in training. In her opinion, being able to move one's body is the most beautiful thing there is. She aims to inspire people to honor their body, for all it already does and all it can do, enabling them to experience this life fully.

  • Work with what you have today and appreciate your body for all it allows you to do. Find the sweet spot between pushing your limits and respecting them.

  • Don't compare your body to someone else's.

  • More connected and grateful for the body they are in.


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