Amal is from Karachi, a bustling town by the beach in Pakistan. She got her first fitness certification in 2014 from the UK's YMCA Fit, then went on to get qualified in a Kettlebell masters and bootcamp course, as well as post and antenatal exercise. She has an art degree and considers herself an all-round creative, and fitness has always gone hand in hand with her creative career.

She became a coach to help women of all ages, shapes and lifestyles welcome fitness instead of fear it, and always encourages participants to educate themselves every step of the way.

She prides herself on having a multi-faceted career (baker, coaching, writing, social media and stylist) but whatever she does, it is always with heart and the intent to make people feel better about themselves. She describes herself as warm, goofy, a great listener with an outfit for every occasion.

  • To always leave a workout feeling like the world is a little bit better. Her style is energetic and dramatic. No inhibitions.

  • I am a gymrat and love lifting heavy. Conventional lifts like squats, deads and bench.

  • Waking up EARLY, having a quiet window before the rest of the world (and the sun!) gets up and then going getting my endorphin fix at the gym!


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